
Box Office

票房位置、服务、营业时间及重要环节 & information

德怀特·理查德·奥德票房位于西南角   Joseph A. W. Clayes III Performing Arts CenterOpens in new window   (CPAC)毗邻Nutwood停车结构,对面是视觉艺术综合大楼.

因为视觉艺术现代化项目, 艺术道暂时不提供15分钟免费泊车服务. Please visit the section below for alternative parking

售票处提供:孟音乐厅门票, Young Theatre, Hallberg Theatre, Little Theatre, Recital Hall and Grand Central Theatre. 

Please note:   All sales are final. No refunds (exchanges may be made; please call the Box Office for further information.)

All ticket orders are subject to a $3.00 processing fee

Theatre & Dance productionsOpens in new window
Music performancesOpens in new window
Purchase ticketsOpens in new window
Parking and directionsOpens in new window
Venue seating chartsOpens in new window

Box Office Hours and Methods of Payment

Tuesday–Friday: 12 pm to 4 pm 


Cash, check or credit card accepted

credit cards

Box Office Contact Information

Phone: (657) 278-3371

Mailing Address :
Cal State Fullerton
CPAC 101, Box Office
PO Box 6850
Fullerton CA 92834-6850

Accessibility Information

最可靠的买彩票平台致力于为所有顾客提供平等的入学机会. If you require special accommodations, 请提前两星期与我们联络,以确保您能充分欣赏我们的演出.

Assistive Listening Devices:   孟音乐厅备有红外线助听装置, and Young and Hallberg Theatres. 耳机可配戴助听器或不配戴助听器,并按先到者免费发放, first-served basis.


All Student Discount: 所有高中生和大学生都可以参加任何非音乐剧的CSUF戏剧/舞蹈表演,费用为12美元. 音乐剧和歌剧的票价是22美元. 购票须持有效学生证于售票处购票.D.

所有CSUF学生都可以获得一(1)张免费门票 all music, theatre & dance performances. More informationOpens in new window

Titan Discount: is available for CSUF students, persons age 62 and older, and Cal State Fullerton staff, faculty, Alumni Association, Osher终身学习研究所(OLLI)现役军人和退伍军人以及支持小组成员. 筹款活动不提供折扣.

Group Tickets: 10人以上的团体可以享受大多数活动的特别折扣. 请致电售票处查询票价和是否有货.

FlexTix Subscriptions:
InformationOpens in new window 关于用户利益和订阅购买.


打折票到下午5点为止.m. 演出当天(周末演出门票必须在下午5点前购买).m. Friday).

Discounts for Music Performances

All Student Discount: 所有高中生和大学生都可以花5美元或8美元观看任何音乐表演. 购票须持有效学生证于售票处购票.D.

所有CSUF学生都可以获得一(1)张免费门票 all music, theatre & dance performances. More informationOpens in new window

Titan Discount: is available for students, persons age 62 and older, and Cal State Fullerton staff, faculty, Alumni Association, Osher终身学习研究所(OLLI)现役军人和退伍军人以及支持小组成员. 筹款活动不提供折扣.

*Special events are excluded




All Student Discount:   所有的高中生和大学生都可以花5美元观看任何非音乐表演. Musicals are $10. 购票须持有效学生证于售票处购票.D.

所有CSUF学生都可以获得一(1)张免费门票 all music, theatre & dance performances. More informationOpens in new window

所有中央大剧院演出的门票将在CPAC售票处销售至演出当天下午5点,周末演出则在周五下午5点. All sales thereafter must be purchased   onlineOpens in new window .



  • 购票即表示您选择加入我们的演出信息eblast. You may opt-out at any time.车票只在开出的日期和时间内有效.
  • 不论年龄大小,每个人都必须持票入场.
  • 入场前请关闭所有电子设备.
  • 除非您在打印的开始时间之前坐在座位上,否则无法保证保留座位.
  • 使用Nutwood停车结构在艺术博士. entrance from State College Blvd.
  • 演出期间迟到或离场者将由经理决定重新入座.
  • 购买机票绝对不能退款. 遗失/毁坏的机票可以补发,但只收取象征性的费用.
  • 门票是一种可撤销的许可证,在退还购买价格后可以拒绝入场.
  • 剧院或音乐厅内禁止携带照相机、录音机、激光设备或任何食物/饮料.
  • 观看演出或制作的最低年龄为4岁.


Temporary 15-minute parking

在视觉艺术中心建设期间,传统的15分钟停车是不可用的. 搬迁后的停车场可通过Arts Drive或Nutwood Ave到达.

Arts Drive:

  1. 右转进入Nutwood停车场
  2. 一有机会就向左转
  3. Turn left at the end of the row
  4. 在电梯处左转,三个空位就在你的右手边.

Nutwood Avenue:

  1. 进入Nutwood Parking Structure,走到路的尽头(你会看到电梯)
  2. 在电梯处左转,三个空位就在你的右手边.


Relocated 15-minute parking

nutwood parking entrance

Entrance on Nutwood Avenue

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This site is maintained by College of the Arts.

Last Published 11/13/23

要报告本网站的问题或意见,请联系 jbussell@felisayslisten.com.
©最可靠的买彩票平台. All Rights Reserved.

Web Accessibility

CSUF致力于确保我们的用户可以平等访问. 如果您在使用本网站时遇到任何无障碍问题,请告知我们.
