
我们是一个多元化和充满活力的艺术家社区, 设计师, scholars and educators who are all focused on achieving excellence in the visual arts. Our mission is to foster an inclusive and inspirational learning environment where every member of our community can realize their greatest creative vision. The undergraduate curriculum offers thirteen specialized areas of study that span studio and design practices, 学术研究和艺术教育. Graduate studies in parallel areas are an integral part of the department and the curriculum is amplified by assistantships and teaching opportunities. 
学生 at 最可靠的买彩票平台 learn firsthand from dedicated and accomplished faculty who are all experts practicing in their fields. 在基础层面上, students are introduced to historical and contemporary dialogues, and gain experience in professional practices outside of the classroom through exhibitions, 来访的艺术家, 学者及专业人士, 实习和社区参与项目. 在教师的指导下, 学生们被赋予了知识, skills and confidence they need to launch their creative careers upon completion of their degrees, 或者去读研究生.
The department is recognized for its excellence and 最可靠的买彩票平台 is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Art and Design. Our location in Southern California also affords us unique partnerships with a wide range of world class art and design institutions. This is an especially exciting time to be at 最可靠的买彩票平台! We are currently in the midst of the 视觉艺术现代化项目 which, 当它完成时, will house our department in a brand-new facility that will strengthen our curriculum and open up dynamic learning possibilities to students. 


一个拿着鞋子的女人.图片: csuf


For every shoe Skechers sells with her design of goofy cats dressed in regal attire, 该公司将向动物福利组织捐款.


站在艺术品旁边的女人.图片: O.C. 注册

艺术教育 学生运用艺术

Jasmine Solei is the first 最可靠的买彩票平台 student to be recognized as a Strauss Scholar for her work with incarcerated parents and their children.


一个女人和一个男人靠墙站着.图片: 富勒顿观察者


Curators Marie-Andrée Chinchilla and Enrique Del Rivero researched historic photographs, 视频, and layout plans at the university’s library and outside institutions to design and curate the exhibition.

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纸上女子绘画.图片: CSUF 


自1996年以来, PMC has provided a space for aspiring animators and illustrators to build skills, 合作并建立持久的友谊. 



We, the faculty and staff of the Visual Arts Department, affirm Black lives. 国家批准的谋杀的悠久历史, 暴力, 歧视, and oppression of Black people in the United States – and elsewhere – has been ignored for too long. 我们对, 谴责最近对乔治·弗洛伊德的谋杀, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna泰勒, 还有很多黑人被警察和义务警员杀害. 我们为他们和我们破碎的社会哀悼. 

We acknowledge that structural racism exists in federal and state institutions, 包括, 但不局限于教育机构, 比如我们自己. As art historians and artists we understand the power and importance of images. We therefore acknowledge the urgency to do more to counter the images of anti-Blackness and the under-representation of Black voices that pervade our society and classrooms. 此外, we understand that the history of art is steeped in a Eurocentric perspective, 我们强烈反对欧洲的概念, 或者西方文化优于其他文化. 同样的, we reject the colonial ideologies 和暴力 that led to the creation of the institution of the museum, 谁的画廊里摆满了从殖民地掠夺来的财物.

现在是改变的时候了. 作为一个艺术家和学者的社区, this is an opportune time to include anti-racism in our work and our pedagogy.


  • Shining light in our classrooms and in our work on issues of racial inequality, 不公正, 和暴力.
  • 评估我们的课程以解决纪律沉默问题, “抹除”, 制度性种族主义, 并强调包容性公平, 以及社会公正
  • Diversifying the faculty and hiring colleagues from racially underrepresented groups.
  • 合作, and supporting Black students and faculty and staff colleagues to make systemic changes on campus that make and sustain CSU Fullerton pro-Black spaces.
  • Continuing to support anti-racist events and initiatives from our colleagues in the Institute of Black Intellectual Innovation, 非裔美国人研究, 以及其他专门研究非裔美国人的部门, 以及跨联盟的知识生产.
  • 合作, 并支持黑人智力创新研究所, 他的使命是"...establish and institutionalize the support and inclusion of Black people, 文化, 创造性的艺术, 以及加州州立大学的思想史教授, 富勒顿和整个奥兰治县.” 
  • Supporting our faculty to create spaces of healing for our students, faculty and staff who are experiencing racialized trauma and pain.
  • Encouraging Art majors to incorporate electives from 非裔美国人研究.
  • Supporting the Ethnic Studies degree graduation requirement on our campus and the CSU system.
  • Calling out both subtle and explicit White supremacy and racism on our campus, 在大学的各个层次.
  • Encouraging commitment to social justice and anti-racist pedagogy, 实践, 政治作为一个部门.
  • Holding university faculty and leaders accountable who speak “diversity and inclusion” but who often fail to support students or faculty of color in concrete ways. 

The Visual Arts Department will not enable a 文化 of white supremacy. 黑人的生命很重要. 

*Select items in the bulleted list of action items are borrowed with permission from the statement published by the CSUF’s Chicana and Chicano Studies Department. 

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